Library Policies
If you plan to visit and use the PCC Library’s resources, it is important that you familiarize yourself with our policies.
At PCC and the Shatford Library, we strive to create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages learning and respect for all members of our college community. In addition to the standards outlined in PCC's Student Conduct Code, we expect all library visitors to abide by the following guidelines.
Library-Specific Conduct Policies:
- Maintain a Quiet Atmosphere:
- Conversations and collaborations are welcome on the library’s main level but keep your voice down to respect others who are studying.
- The upper level is designated as a silent area. Kindly hold conversations outdoors or on the main level.
- Practice Electronic Device Etiquette:
- Set your phone to vibrate and take calls outside to minimize disruptions.
- When listening to electronic devices, please use headphones.
- Viewing materials that are illegal is prohibited.
- Filming and photography are prohibited in the library without prior authorization. Please review the filming and photography policies and procedures on our website for more information.
- Respect Library Materials:
- Please return borrowed items on time to ensure availability for others.
- All items should be returned in the same condition as they were lent out. Damaged and/or destroyed items are subject to fines and loss of library privileges.
- Ensure Personal Safety and Monitor Belongings:
- Watch your valuables at all times and always keep your personal belongings with you.
- If you feel that your safety or privacy is compromised, please notify library staff immediately.
- Foster Respectful Interactions:
- Treat others with the same kindness and respect that you expect in return.
- Disruptive or disrespectful behavior against library personnel or users is not tolerated, and solicitation or persistent unwanted attention is prohibited (see California Penal Code 415.5 for more information).
- Follow Library Use Guidelines:
- Please do not place your feet on the furniture.
- Bookshelves, walkways, and emergency exits are to remain clear and accessible at all times.
- Refrain from sleeping or loitering between bookshelves or in walkways.
- Food is not allowed in the library. Snacks are allowed in the open-air atrium. Please review the food/drink policy on our website for more information.
- Please comply with any requests made by library personnel.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in removal from the library, with continued violations potentially leading to permanent removal.
Thank you for helping us maintain a positive academic environment for everyone!
- Due to a severe insect problem, food is no longer permitted in the library building. Snacks are allowed in the open-air Atrium.
- Drinks (in covered containers) are permitted in most areas of the library, but not on the lower level (including the Computer Labs) and Archives.
- No food deliveries, food parties or group meals are allowed except in relation to college-sponsored events.
- Smoking is prohibited throughout the campus. Campus Smoking Policy
- Throw your trash away.
While in the library, don’t leave any personal belongings unattended. The library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items, nor is library staff able to watch your belongings.
If you suspect that you have lost an item while in the library, please visit the Circulation Desk. If the item is not there, you should contact the Campus Police directly (visit Building B 210, or call (626) 585-7484). Visit the PCC Campus Police Lost and Found to submit a Lost and Found report.
If you wish to film or photograph in the PCC Library, you must submit a completed Request to Film or Photograph in Shatford Library Form at least two days before the proposed filming and/or photography. Before submitting a request form, please review the following policies first:
- Filming and/or photography may not take place until your request has been approved by the Library Dean.
- Filming and/or photography must be campus or class related. For other filming and photography requests, please contact the Campus Use Office at (626) 585-7233 or via email at
- The person submitting the request must be present at all times during filming and/or photographing.
- Filming and/or photography must occur during off-peak hours, unless otherwise approved by the Library Dean. Off-peak hours are: Mondays through Thursdays, 7:30am - 9:30am or 7:00pm - 9:00pm, or any open hours on Fridays.
- Filming and/or photography must take place only on the specified dates and only in
the specified areas as outlined on your request form and as approved by the Library
- Filming and/or photography is not permitted in service areas, staff areas, or restrooms.
- Filming and/or photography must not block or obstruct walkways, corridors, or exits.
- Filming and/or photography must not disturb the regular functions or operations of
the library, its users, or staff.
- Moving furniture or materials is not permitted.
- Any equipment used, including artificial lighting, must not disturb library users and may not interfere with library operations.
- Your project (including your cast, crew, and equipment) must not create any safety or trip hazards.
- You must provide your own subjects. You may not film or photograph library users or staff without their written consent.
- All persons in your cast and crew must abide by the library’s policies and PCC’s Student Code of Conduct at all times.
Library exhibit spaces are provided to current students, faculty, and staff of PCC for support of the educational, research, recreational and cultural activities of the college.
Stipulations for Use of Library Exhibit Space
Rotunda exhibit space is available to current students, faculty, and staff of PCC.
All displays will have a faculty or staff sponsor/adviser who is accountable for the exhibit.
The campus departments and/or library reserve the right to preempt any exhibit for a campus event or exhibit. In such instances, the library will make a reasonable effort to give ample notification of such preemption and to assist the group in reserving another date or exhibit case.
The College does not necessarily endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics which may be the subject of exhibits.
Exhibits may not include defaming or obscene materials as defined by the United States Supreme Court, or material which could lead to a breach of peace, or which advocates the violation of criminal laws.
Exhibit areas may not be used as advertising space for commercial enterprises, political candidates or political issues.
Exhibitors Guidelines and Responsibilities
The College strives to present museum-quality exhibits at all times. The sponsor and/or Library Exhibition Coordinator may advise exhibitors on layout and signage for exhibits.
The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for the transportation of all materials to and from the exhibit area.
The exhibitor shall be responsible for the installation and dismantling of the exhibit as scheduled, subject to advisement from facilities personnel and facilities guidelines.
Labels for exhibited items must be provided by the exhibitor. Labels should be typed and printed. Descriptions should be articulate and strive for a quality presentation. Labels must not be taped on walls or cases. Prices may not be included on labels.
Printed publicity initiated by the exhibitor must be approved before exhibition date
The exhibitor shall provide services and costs of receptions or other events related to the display.
Upon removal of the display, the physical surroundings should be checked and returned to their original condition, unless formerly agreed upon by the College and the exhibitor.
If the College is forced to dismantle a display, because the exhibitor has not removed it as scheduled, the College is not responsible for any damages. The College will dispose of abandoned materials after reasonable effort has been made to contact the exhibitor.